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Friday, December 10, 2010

Yes, I am talking to you!

Give me the connection. Observe the title very carefully and give me its connection to this question too!


  1. Guys and gals out there

    This is to inform you that the second season of the Mykochi Premier League(MPL) quiz has started.The team bidding process is going on.To join visit www.mykochii.blogspot.com

    MPL-The new generation quiz league

  2. Taxi Driver....starring Robert De Niro.."inspired" John Hinckley to try to assassinate Ronald Reagan...Jodie Foster's Army--Taxi Driver being one of Jodie Foster's first big breaks...nd the title is a reference to the iconic "You talkin' to me" scene in the movie...

  3. catcher in the rye..travis bickle character was based on holden caulfield..mark chapman was carry catcher in the rye when he shot john lennon..


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