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Sunday, November 7, 2010

You can't wriggle your way out of it!


X was gifted with a sharp business acumen. He started his business in 1891 with scouring soap. As an extra incentive to the buyers, he added some premium. One of these premiums was baking powder. He soon found out that baking powder was more popular than the soap, and he promptly switched over to selling baking powder. To promote baking powder, he offered another incentive, which, just like the previous case, proved more popular than the powder itself. So again he switched to this product, and as a result this product became so popular that now his company has become synonymous with the product. Identify the man and the company and of course the product.


  1. Hahaha
    Nice question.
    You shouldn't have mentioned Baking Powder!!

    Bill Wrigley Jr,
    Chewing Gum.

  2. Wrigley!

    By the way, do check out my own quiz blog at http://fewandfarbetween7.blogspot.com/ - it's the (unofficial) IIT Delhi quizzing blog right now.


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